Sicily, Syracuse (466-405 BCE) AR Tetradrachm

Sicily, Syracuse (466-405 BCE)

AR Tetradrachm, 17,17 g , 24 mm

Av: Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving walking biga to right; Nike flying to right above, crowning horses

Rv: Head of Arethusa to right, hair tied with ribbon over head, ΣΥΡΑ[ΚΟΣΙΟΝ] and four dolphins around.


Ref: SNG ANS 221.

1.790,00 €

Troas, Assos (480-450 BCE) AR Triobol

Troas, Assos (466-405 BCE)

AR Triobol, 1,50 g , 10 mm

Av: Griffin right.

Rv: Head of lion right wthin incuse square.


Ref: Rosen 528 (Obol!).

920,00 €

Ionia, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Themistokles (459-450 BCE)

Ionia, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. Themistokles (459-450 BCE)

AR Trihemiobol, 121 g , 9 mm

Av: Head of Zeus right, wearing tainia.

Rv: ΘΕ in dotted square border within incuse square.


Ref: Nollé & Wenninger Th 3a.

2.390,00 €

Attica, Athens (454-404 BCE) AR Tetradrachm

Attica, Athens (454-404 BCE)

AR Tetradrachm, 16,32 g (Fourée?), 24 mm

Mint: Athens

Av: helmeted head of Athena to right

Rv: AΘE, Owl standing head facing, olive sprig and crescent behind

extremely fine

Ref: HGC 4, 1597.

940,00 €

  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit

Attica, Athens (454-404 BCE) AR Tetradrachm

Attica, Athens (454-404 BCE)

AR Tetradrachm, 17,20 g, 23 mm

Mint: Athens

Av: Helmeted head of Athena to right

Rv: AΘE, Owl standing head facing, olive sprig and crescent behind

near extremely fine

Ref: HGC 4, 1597.

590,00 €

Dynasts of Lycia (380-350 BCE), AR Obol

Dynasts of Lycia (380-350 BCE)

AR Obol, 0,45 g, 10 mm

Av: Murex shell.

Rv: Sea monster (ketos) right.


Ref: Müseler VII, 95. (Hemiobol)

1.590,00 €

Alexander III. "The Great" (336-323 BCE) Caria, Rhodes

Alexander III. "The Great" (336-323 BCE)

Stasion, magistrate

AR Tetradrachm, 16,88 g, 33 mm

Mint: Caria, Rhodes

Av: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin

Rv: Zeus Aëtophoros seated left; in left field, ΣΤΑΣΙΩΝ above rose; PO below throne.


Ref: Price 2517.

620,00 €

Mithradates VI. Eupator (120-63 BCE) AMAZON, Nike

Pontos, Amisos, unter Mithradates VI. Eupator (120-63 BCE)

Æ, 7,45 g, 19 mm

Av: Head of Amazon to right, wearing wolf's skin headdress.

Rv: Nike advancing to right, holding palm branch and wreath; star and crescent to left.

n. very fine

Ref: SNG BM 1219; HGC 244 (R1).

75,00 €

  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit

Phoenicia, Tyre (60-59 BCE) Herakles Melkart

Phoenicia, Tyre (60-59 BCE)

AR Shekel, 13,67 g, 30 mm

Av: Bust of Melkart right, wearing laurel wreath

Rv: Eagle standing left on prow; palm frond in background


Ref: DCA Type 230; HGC 10, 357; BMC -

1.790,00 €
