Hephthalites, Gandhara (5-6th century), Napki Malka Type

Hephthalites, "White Huns" (~5.-6th century)

AE/BI Drachm, 3,15 g, 30 mm

Mint: Gandhara

Av: Male bust to r. "NAPKI MALKA" Type

Rv: fire altar between guardian figures with swords.

very fine, attractive bust!

Ref.: Mitchiner 1492.

90,00 €

Justinianus I. (527-565) KARTHAGO

Justinianus I. (527-565)

AV Solidus, 4,42 g, 20 mm

Mint: Karthago

Av: Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield decorated with horseman motif.

Rv: Angel standing facing, holding long cross and globus cruciger; star to right.

very fine, detracting marks

Ref.: Sear 250.

890,00 €

Constantin V. Copronymus (741-775) Constantinople

Constantin V. Copronymus (741-775)

AV Solidus, 4,42 g, 20 mm

Mint: Constantinople

Av: Crowned facing busts of Constantine V and Leo IV, each wearing chlamys; cross above.

Rv: Crowned facing bust of Leo III, wearing loros, holding cross potent.

very fine, detracting marks

Ref.: DOC 3, 2d; Sear 1551; Sommer, MBR 23.2.1.

740,00 €

690,00 €

Sri Lanka, Ceylon Parakrama Bahu II. (1236-1271)

Sri Lanka, Ceylon Parakrama Bahu II. (1236-1271)

Dutch East India Company.

AE Massa, 4,34 g, 19 mm

Av: King reclining to right, (or "stylized dancing figure"), holding aloft a sankh (conch); legend in Nagari characters to right

Rv: King enthroned facing, head right, holding aloft a solar symbol; altar, flame, 5 pellets and lotus in fields.

good very fine, nice green patina!

Ref: Mitchiner NIS 845 - 846.

40,00 €

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