Maximinus I. Thrax (235-238) chariot

Maximinus I. Thrax (235-238)

Æ-25, 7,77 g, 23 mm

Mint: Troas, Alexandria

Av: Bust to right.

Rv: Male figure with vexillum driving a chariot drawn by two oxen across the bridge; Aquilae behind oxen and under the bridge.

very fine

Ref: Bellinger A 371.

650,00 €

590,00 €

Gordianus III. (238-244) Sestertius, Sol

Gordianus III. (238-244)

Æ Sestertius, 18.02 g, 29 mm

Mint: Rome, 240

Obverse: portrait facing right.

Reverse: Sol holding globe, in gesture of greeting, to the left

near extremely fine

- fine green patina, fine details!

Ref: RIC 297a.

220,00 €

  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit

Philippus I. Arabs (244-249) Saecular Games, Lion

Philippus I the Arab (244-249) Saecular Games

AR Antoninianus, 3.94 g, 23 mm

Mint: Rome, 244

Obverse: portrait facing right

Reverse: Lion


Ref: RIC 12.

170,00 €

  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit

Salonina (254-268) Æ DENAR, Pudicitia

Salonina (254-268)

Æ Denar, 2,59 g, 17 mm

Mint: Rome

Av: Diademed and draped bust to right

Rv: Pudicitia standing left, lifting veil from her face and holding scepter.

VF, Extremely rare, only one copy noted by MIR (in the KHM Vienna).

Ref: MIR 36, 490u; RIC V 38.

1.490,00 €

1.250,00 €

Aurelianus (270-275) , Victoria

Aurelianus (270-275)

AE Denarius, 1,99 g, 19 mm

Mint: Rome

Av: Laurate bust to r.

Rv: Victoria to l. with wreath and branch, in front a captive.

49,00 €

  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit

Maximianus I. Herculius (286-305) Cyzicus, Genius

Maximianus I Herculius (286-305)

AE Follis, 9.71 g, 28 mm

Mint: Cyzicus (297-299)

Obverse: portrait facing right

Reverse: Genius holding patera and cornucopia.

near extremely fine, good silvering!

Ref: RIC 12b.

98,00 €

75,00 €

  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit